Do you happen to know where the Aizen-en is?

It is located in the City of Kameoka west of Metropolitan Kyoto.
Take the JR Sagano Line at Kyoto Station to get to Kameoka Station in about half an hour.

Walk down south about a mile from the station, and you will come to an intersection with National Route 9 in 15 minutes. It is called the Yadaguchi Intersection. (See the map below)

Turn right at this intersection and walk down about 10 yards, and you will see a restaurant named Tambaji on your left.

Onisaburo and his wife Sumi on a train

Behind this restaurant is the Aizen-en. It is also where the Kumano Yakata (Onisaburo's residence in his later years) is located.

Should you need any help, just ask at Tambaji. The owner will kindly take you
to the Garden of Love and Brotherhood.

• About a 15-minute walk from the station.
• Taxi and bus services are also available.

The Aizen-en's Contact Info

24-1 Kishinoue Nakayada-cho Kameoka-shi Kyoto 621-0855
Phone: +81-(0)771-24-7064 / 5210
Fax: +81-(0)771-24-5017


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